GBIF community webinar: December 2020

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9 December 2020
15:00 - 16:30 CET

GBIF community webinars aim to improve sustained communication and interaction between the Secretariat and the broader GBIF community, particularly (but not exclusively) the GBIF nodes. By keeping a keen eye on new projects and initiatives within the context of the GBIF strategic plan and annual work programme and implementation plan, we hope that these discussions spark new collaboration and engagement opportunities across the network.


Time Topic Speaker Presentation
15:00 Intro and welcome Kyle Copas, GBIF Secretariat
15:05 Overview of current private-sector engagements Andrew Rodrigues
GBIF Secretariat
15:15 Video presentation: OpenPSD: Promoting publication and use of private-sector data on biodiversity Cristina Villaverde
GBIF Spain
Pre-recorded presentation

Project video
15:30 Digitally Transforming Environmental Assessment: Western Australia's Index of Biodiversity Surveys for Assessments (IBSA) Chris Gentle
Western Australia Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI)
IBSA website
15:45 Update on funding programmes and other engagement opportunities Mélianie Raymond &
Maheva Bagard Laursen
GBIF Secretariat
presentation 1

presentation 2
16:05 The latest from the GBIF help desk: pro tips for data publishers and data users Marie Grosjean
GBIF Secretariat
16:15 Community Q&A
9 December 2020 15:00 - 16:30