Technical support hour for GBIF nodes: February 2023

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1 February 2023
16:00 - 17:00 CET
Technical support for nodes (2)

Overview of the technical components of GBIF

In the February issue of the support hour, the Data Products team will give a brief introduction to the various technical components of the GBIF data-landscape and how they relate to one another. We will begin by explaining what happens at the point of publication of a dataset when the different dataset types are checked by the system, and end by exploring how all the different components and tools GBIF utilize depends on or draw info from each other.

We hope this general introduction will spark questions or discussions concerning the different components or generate ideas for future support hour topics. But remember – you are always welcome to join and ask a question that is unrelated to the topic of the day.

During the January support hour, we introduced the Registry and how a dataset could be debugged by checking the different interpretation steps in the crawl and ingestion history tabs.

If nodes and nodes staff have ideas for topics, or questions please post them in the community forum or email them to

Virtual (by email invitation only)
1 February 2023 16:00 - 17:00